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Episode Ideas




The Basics​



Don't be afraid to mix up your format.


Most podcasts have an established format of some sort. Having a format is a good foundation but don't feel you have to rigidly stick to that format all the time.



Shorter episodes are very impactful.​


If you normally do longer shows, consider throwing in some shorter "mini" shows. These create great engagement in accessible chunks.​



Use your back catalogue.​


Podcasts are evergreen content so make sure to utilise them properly.




How Can I Improve?


If you are struggling with ideas for your episodes, try the following: 



Switch up the format​


If you normally record solo episodes then why not invite a colleague or friend onto your show to discuss some of the topics you have already discussed in more detail.


Mini Series​


Consider creating a mini series around a key concept. If you normally release a half an hour episode on a topic, perhaps try running three shorter ten minute shows in succession to create some more bitesize content and spread out your episodes.


Topical Update​


If your industry witnesses some important news then have the confidence to address your audience on it. For example, let's say you run a podcast interviewing film directors and a new blockbuster is announced. Why not record a quick monologue with a timely update for listeners.​


Best of​


When you have a fairly extensive selection of episodes already available then why not consider releasing a "best of" episode where you outline some of the highlights of the last series.


Top 10​


A common technique in blogs and articles which also works very well in audio form. Create a top 10 list around your podcast subject matter. For example a fitness podcast might release a "Top 10 Workout Myths" episode.


Guest Reflections​


Consider alternating your interview episodes with shorter solo shows where you reflect on the points made in the interview.


Back Catalogue​


In a pinch, consider re-releasing a previous episode with a fresh intro. This works particularly well if you have a long running podcast where your audience may not have heard the early episodes.


Download Rankings​


Sometimes at the end of the year, or perhaps towards the end of a series, it can be nice to do a compilation of the most downloaded episodes. For example "The top 5 downloaded episodes of 2021". You can then have a snippet from each episode and a reflection from you, the host.






Don't Forget...​


  • Formats are flexible, not rigid;


  • Use variation in length to create shorter shows / mini-series;


  • Utilise your back catalogue.

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