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The Basics​



Why does recording equipment matter?


Research shows that even with top level content the majority of people are deterred from listening to a podcast if the audio quality is poor. The first step towards achieving better audio quality is getting the right equipment.



Won't an upgrade be very expensive?​


No! You do not need to spend a fortune on pricey gear to get a top quality sound. For most recording situations an investment of £100-150 will make a huge difference to your audio.​



Can't I just use my built in computer mic?​


Definitely not. To gain listeners and grow your podcast you need to respect your audience by offering them a reasonable level of quality. A built-in computer mic will not offer this.




How Can I Improve?



Step 1​


Drop me a quick message letting me know what equipment you are currently using.


Step 2​


I will advise on whether the equipment you have is suitable or if an upgrade is needed. I may ask you to do a very quick mic test to determine this.


Step 3​


If an upgrade is needed then I will make some specific suggestions on what equipment is best for you.​





Don't Forget...​



  • If you want a better understanding of where your audio is at you can request an audio rating;


  • Always feel free to check in with me before committing to a new purchase.

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