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Why do I need an intro & outro?

New listeners they won't necessarily start listening from the first episode. Therefore it's important that no matter where people start listening they immediately have some context on what the podcast is about.


Plus, it makes your podcast sound professional!

How do I record an intro & outro?

These should be recorded using the exact same method you used when you recorded your mic test for me. This is usually using either Quicktime or Audacity.


If we haven't already done a mic test together then I would recommend doing that before going any further. Click here to do a quick mic test.

What should be in my intro & outro?

The criteria for a great intro & outro aren't set in stone, all shows are different and you can record what feels right to you. However here are some general guidelines...




Placement: At the start of every episode. 

Length: 30 seconds or less


  • Introduce yourself - Who are you? What are your credentials / experience? (if applicable)

  • What is the podcast about - What topics you intend to cover?

  • What can listeners expect - How frequent are your episodes? What will listeners take away?




Placement: At the end of every episode.

Length: 30 seconds or less


  • Thank people for listening

  • Ask for a good podcast review

  • Include any other calls to action you may have - perhaps a website, newsletter, social media etc.


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